Support the Madison County Historical Society while honoring your loved ones
Sybil Wilson Memorial Walkway began in June 2008 with engraved bricks set in place in the Spring of 2010 near the side entrance of the Madison County Historical Society.
- The groundwork for the Sybil Wilson Memorial Walkway project started in June of 2008 when the Madison County Historical Society received a donation in memory of our former treasurer Sybil Wilson from Visiting Nurses of Utica, her employer. The Madison County Historical Society Board of Trustees discussed how the Historical Society could honor her memory. MCHS Vice-President, Barb Chamberlain suggested a memorial walkway in honor of Sybil, and from there, the idea of the memorial walkway began with the announcement to the membership in the Fall of 2009 to the installation of the engraved bricks set in place in the Spring of 2010 near the side entrance of the Madison County Historical Society.
- Sybil was a dear friend, longtime member, volunteer, trustee, and treasurer. She served on the Historical Society’s board from March 1994 to May 2007 and served on the Craft Days Committee and Finance Committee. Sybil’s commitment and passion for the organization will forever be remembered in the memorial walkway.
- Memorial contributions in honor of two dear MCHS friends- Jack Meakin and Ann Kittsley also assisted in establishing the memorial walkway. Jack Meakin was a dear friend, longtime member, volunteer, and trustee serving on the society’s board from March 1996 to October 2008. He also served on the Building & Grounds Committee and Hop Fest Committee. Ann Kittsley was a longtime member of the society and an avid volunteer.
- Remembrance bricks in honor of Sybil Wilson, Ann Kittsley, and Jack Meakin are placed in the memorial walkway.
- Memorial walkway bricks can be purchased to thank, honor, and remember those dear to our members.
- Brick sizes available are 4”x 8″ brick at $75 or an 8” x 8” brick at $85. The 4”x 8” brick has 2 lines with 14 characters per line. The 8”x 8” brick has 5 lines with 14 characters per line.